IELTS Speaking Test Questions | IELTS, TOEFL and General Speaking

Here are some IELTS Speaking test questions and cue card questions examples about personal life experiences. You can share your own experiences in your answers with some modification if you need. Your answer should look natural and convincing.Here are some cue card question examples with sample answers.

IELTS Cue Card Question 1

Talk about a time when you visited a busy place. Please say 

  • What was the place
  • Why you went there
  • With whom you went there
  • Whether or not you enjoyed your visit.

        One place that I can remember is the Crescent view market. I went there to buy some books with a couple of my friends who also needed books for the next academic year. I was bewildered to see how over-crowded it was even at the starting hours of the day. 

Also, people were queued up outside the shops making the shopping effort seem more difficult. I would say that the trip was not enjoyable at the beginning as the bookstores and other shops were too noisy and cramped. There was hardly any place to walk. 

But we kept walking, making our way through the crowd. Soon, we got to a shop which was comparatively less busy. Some efficient salesmen quickly took the orders and completed them. Finally, when we got out of the market, we felt so relieved. 

It was still midday, so we stopped by a restaurant to enjoy some lunch. In the end, it turned into an enjoyable experience when we got the books we needed and had a sumptuous lunch in our favourite restaurant.

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Speaking Test Question for IELTS 2

Talk about something you bought that was difficult to use at first. Please say

  • What is it?
  • When did you buy it?
  • What does it do?
  • Why was it difficult to use for the first time?

One thing that I can mention is the coffee machine I bought recently. Before that, I used to buy coffee from a coffee shop. Therefore, I didn’t feel the need to buy a coffee machine. But lately, things have changed. It has started getting cold outside and it is better to have a machine like this to make hot drinks at home. So, briefly speaking, it brews coffee. You put the grains of coffee in a filter in the machine and the water starts boiling. 

As the water boils, it forms air bubbles that push themselves up through a tube towards the coffee filter. As a result, the hot coffee starts dripping. It works on a simple scientific principle, but the main reason why I found it hard to operate was its menu. There were many buttons that I could not understand at first. I read through its manual before I could understand which button to press to start the machine and how to insert the coffee pods or filters in the machine. Now that I have used it for some time, it is not weird to me anymore.

IELTS Speaking cue card question 3

Talk about a movie you watched that you liked. Please say

  • What was the movie?
  • Why did you like it?
  • Would you recommend it to a friend?

I have no ultimate favourite in movies. I mostly like action and adventure movies. One movie that I would like to talk about as my answer is Titanic. I believe most of us like this movie. It is based on the historical event of the sinking of the Titanic that was the biggest industrial masterpiece of the century. The movie opens with the elite and economy class passengers boarding the ship. The hero and heroine of the movie are introduced in the opening scenes of the movie. 

The love story is heart touching as is the tragic fate of hundreds of passengers who lost their lives in the tragedy. I like the movie as it is an actual event from history. Also, a lot of hard work can be seen in reproducing the exact same ship and its interior. 

To me, it is amazing and spellbinding. When I watched the movie I felt as if I was transported to the year 1912, when the Titanic sank. I would totally recommend it to a friend if she has not seen it already. It should not be missed.

Speaking test question IELTS 4

Talk about a goal that you set up for yourself and how you achieved it. Please say

  • What was the goal?
  • What did you do to achieve it?
  • What was the hardest part for you?

Well, I believe in setting goals and then working towards them as best as you can. If I speak about one goal that I set for myself, that would be, focusing on my studies and eliminating distractions from my life. I am sure most of us are prone to waste our time because of social media these days. I realized that if  I am not using social media to promote my business or learn a skill, it is only a wastage of time.

So I worked towards cutting down my time spent on social media applications. I deactivated my Facebook account to see how much time I can save for not using it. I reduced time on other platforms as well. 

The hardest part in the process was to change the habits of turning off and on towards social media while studying but soon I got the results. As expected, I started performing better in my studies. I was always well prepared for my class and the class tests. I believe social media can be used for entertainment but not at the cost of your studies or quality time with your family or friends.

IELTS Speaking cue card question 5

Talk about a thing that you would like to replace. Please say

  • What is it?
  • Why do you want to replace it?
  • What will you replace it with?

One thing I would like to change is my computer. I am a big fan of this computer since I have had it for almost ten years and I have used it for my studies and fun. But the reason why I want to change it is that it is comparatively an old version of laptop technology. It is quite heavy and not very ideal while travelling. Sometimes, it also slows down and makes it troublesome while working. 

Besides, it is missing many features that I need to finish my projects at work and study. Having said that, I also believe the latest technology keeps you well informed and challenged about things. That is why I plan to replace it with another laptop, maybe an Apple Macbook. I am sure it is very lightweight as well as comes with the latest features. So hopefully, I will change my laptop as soon as I have enough money.

These are just few examples of IELTS Speaking Test sample questions with answers. You can find more on this website by visiting the links Speaking and Writing.

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