IELTS Speaking Questions about Food and Cooking | Food IELTS Speaking

There can be a many simple questions in part 1 typically involving introductory questions, often about personal preferences and daily life. Here are some sample questions about Food and Cooking that can be asked in IELTS Speaking Test.

Sample Question Answers about Food and Cooking

1.What kind of new food would you like to try?

I’ve always wanted to try real Italian pizza. I heard it has a thin, crispy crust and uses fresh tomatoes and mozzarella. What’s cool is that each part of Italy has its own way of making it. It’s not just food; it’s like trying a slice of their culture. I really want to taste the authentic Italian pizza someday.

2.How do you feel about fast food?

In my opinion, the idea of eating fast food is very tempting. t is tastier than home-cooked food, but its effects on health are not welcomed. So I think it can be handy sometimes, but one should take it with caution and once in a while. Personally, I lean towards homemade or freshly cooked meals as they contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

3.Do you like street food?

Yes, I like street food. It’s a unique experience since the kind of foods and drinks are not usually prepared at home. I also enjoy the different flavours and authenticity of the dishes.

4.What kinds of new food have you tried recently?

Recently, I tried Cheese Pasta from a local shop. It was really tasty.Apparently the shop was very new but I believe their cooks had a lot of cooking experience so it turned out to be a great experience.

5.What kind of food is popular in your country?

Since I belong to a South Asian Country, (mention country’s name), local dishes like Biryani and kabobs are quite popular. Fish is also an all time favourite food. People are also fond of fast food and street food. Additionally Chinese and Arabian Food is also cooked at home during festive occasions.

6.In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home?

Generally, I prefer eating at home and I’m not a big fan of dining out. I believe it can be a significant expense and may not be healthy in the long run.

7.What foreign food is popular in your country?

Well, some popular foreign foods are Shawarma and falafel. They are often served in wraps or sandwiches, and have become increasingly popular as quick and flavourful street food.Dishes like chicken Manchurian, sweet and sour chicken, and noodles have become widespread and are often adapted to local tastes. Additionally, burgers, fries, and fried chicken from popular international fast-food chains have also found a significant fan base.

8.Do you enjoy cooking? What type of things can you cook?

I do enjoy cooking. I can prepare a variety of dishes, ranging from simple pasta dishes to more elaborate recipes like stir-fry or curry. My home mates enjoy my cooking a lot.

9.Do you watch cookery programs on TV?

Yes, I occasionally watch cookery programs. They provide inspiration for trying new recipes and techniques in the kitchen.

10.Who normally does the cooking in your home?

Normally, it’s my mom who does the cooking. My older sister also helps her in the kitchen.

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