Games IELTS Speaking Test Part 1-3 | IELTS Speaking Games and Activities

The topic of games in IELTS Speaking test includes simple questions such as “Do you like to play games?”,”which games do you like?”etc in the first part of the conversation. The second part is a cue card question about games, such as “Describe a popular game in your country” followed by 3-4 question cues or guidelines.

Part 3 focuses on broader and more complex topics related to the theme introduced in Part 2 (the long turn). It typically lasts about 4-5 minutes.

Here is part 1 of the sample questions and answers about games.

Games IELTS Speaking Test Part 1

1.Do you like playing games?

Yes, I do enjoy playing games. Games can be a great way to relax and unwind, providing a break from the daily routine.

2.Do you play video games?

Yeah, I play video games every now and then. I’m not really a hardcore gamer, but I like the cool stories and immersive experiences they bring. It’s a fun way to relax and have a good time.

3.What indoor games did you play when you were a child?

When I was a child, I used to engage in a variety of indoor games. Board games like Monopoly and Scrabble were quite popular in my family. Additionally, card games such as Uno and Go Fish were regular pastimes. These games not only provided entertainment but also fostered social interaction within the family.

4.What games are popular in your country?

Well, in my country(name the country here), there’s a diverse range of popular games. Football is a massive hit; it’s practically a national obsession. People here also enjoy traditional games like chess and card games. Video games are catching on too, especially popular titles like Playstation and Xbox, which has a huge fan base. Overall, the gaming scene is pretty dynamic, catering to different tastes and age groups.

IELTS Speaking Cue cards about Games

Describe the game you enjoyed playing when you were younger

You should say:

What the game was

When you played it

Who you played it with

why you enjoyed playing the game

“During my childhood, one of my favorite pastimes was playing Monopoly. This classic board game became a regular activity, often enjoyed during the summer breaks. The players involved in the game sessions were primarily my siblings, and on occasion, our parents would join in.

The appeal of Monopoly, for me, lay in the perfect blend of strategy and luck. It wasn’t just a matter of rolling the dice and moving tokens around the board; the game involved purchasing and trading properties, constructing houses and hotels, and strategically attempting to bankrupt opponents. The dynamic nature of the game brought out a sense of entrepreneurship, even at a young age.

What made the experience even more enjoyable was the opportunity to spend quality time with my family. These game nights, extending for hours, were filled with laughter, negotiations, and friendly competition. It wasn’t merely a game but a bonding activity that created cherished memories. Reflecting on those Monopoly nights brings a sense of warmth, considering them as some of the most delightful moments spent with my family.”

IELTS Speaking Games Part 3

In the third part of the IELTS Speaking test, questions related to games will take a discussion form, requiring a detailed exploration of the topics. It is crucial to expand on these subjects by offering relevant details and examples to effectively communicate your thoughts.

1.How have the types of games people play changed over the years?

Well, the popularity of games has really shifted over the years. Back in the day, traditional games like board games and outdoor activities were the go-to. It was more about face-to-face interactions, you know? But then, with the rise of technology, especially in the late 20th century, video games became a big thing. I remember the era of arcade games, and then we got home consoles like Nintendo and PlayStation.

Nowadays, it’s like a whole new level. Video games are everywhere, thanks to smartphones and the internet. People aren’t just playing in their living rooms; they’re connecting globally, playing online with friends or even strangers. There’s this whole social aspect to gaming that we didn’t have before. And the types of games have exploded too – it’s not just about action and adventure, but casual games, simulations, and even educational ones.

So, it’s been quite a journey, you know, from the traditional to this highly digital and interconnected gaming world we have today.

2.Do you think playing games together strengthens family bonds?

Absolutely, playing games together strengthens family bonds because it gives us an opportunity to communicate, creates shared memories, and promotes a sense of unity. In my experience, family game nights have been a fun and effective way to connect with each other.

3.In your opinion, do video games have more positive or negative effects on society?

Well, it’s a bit of both, I suppose. On one hand, video games can enhance cognitive skills and provide entertainment. However, excessive gaming might lead to sedentary lifestyles and potential social isolation. It really depends on how people balance their gaming habits.

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