Gifts IELTS Speaking Part 1,2,3 | IELTS Speaking Questions about Gifts

IELTS Speaking Topics can be as simple as talking about gifts. You can relate your personal experiences easily in gifts speaking Part 1 of the speaking test. The questions can be, ” Did you receive any gifts recently?”, What kind of gifts do you like? “When do people give gifts or presents in your country”? How do we choose gifts? Do you like receiving gifts? etc.

Here are some sample questions and answer for part 1- 3 IELTS Speaking Test on the topic of gifts.

IELTS Speaking Questions about Gifts Part 1 | Gifts Speaking Part 1

After some introductory questions like asking your name and seeing your identification, the examiner might ask you the following questions on giving or receiving gifts.

1.When do people give gifts or presents in your country?

In my country, people often exchange gifts during special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, and festivals. It’s a common tradition to express love and appreciation through the act of giving presents.

2.Do you ever take a gift when you visit someone in their home?

Yes, I typically bring something edible when I visit someone’s home. It might include a box of chocolates, cookies, or any other treat. This gesture is a way of showing politeness and appreciation for the invitation, even if it’s not always a traditional gift.

3.Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?

I think I’m pretty good at picking gifts. I always think about what the person likes to make the gift special. But sometimes it’s tough, especially if the person has a lot of different interests.

Gifts IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card Question

IELTS Speaking test part 2 is about a cue card question. You might get a question like this on the topic of gifts.

Describe a situation when you had to choose a gift for someone.

You should say:

Who the person was

What the occasion was

How you chose the gift

Explain why you chose that particular gift.

Well, there’s this time when I had to pick a gift for my cousin. It was her housewarming party, and I wanted to get her something nice for her new place. So, I decided to go with a wall hanging. I remembered she mentioned wanting to add some decor to her living room.

I spent some time looking for something unique and found this beautiful handmade wall hanging at a local craft fair. It had these vibrant colors and an artistic touch that I thought would match her style perfectly. Plus, I figured it would be a great addition to her new home.

I chose the wall hanging because I wanted to give her something special and thoughtful for her new place. It’s not just a decor piece but also a way to commemorate the occasion. She loved it, and it now hangs proudly in her living room.

Gifts IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample Discussion Topics

IELTS Speaking Part 3 involves extended questions and discussions that stem from the topic introduced in the cue card questions of Part 2. Here are some example questions and their answers.

1.What should you pay attention to when choosing a gift?

When picking a gift, it’s important to think about what the person likes and the reason for the gift. Gifts that match their hobbies or what they need are usually better. At the same time the gift should be affordable and not a burden on your pocket. Additionally, it can be something that should last longer, by which I mean to say that it should stay longer with the receiver and he or she should be able to use it for a long time.

2.Is a bag an ideal gift?

I would say that it a great gift to receive but might be an expensive choice if you want to give someone a gift. Still I believe bags are an excellent gift choice as well as a practical and functional item to receive for most of the people. It is an essential item that everyone uses almost every day to carry their personal belongings as well as for fashion and style. So, we can say that it is an ideal gift due to its practical use.

3.What is the importance of gifts?

Well, in my opinion, gifts hold a significant role in expressing emotions and gratitude, and they’re crucial for building relationships. They’re a concrete way of showing thoughtfulness and consideration for others. You know, meaningful gifts have this power to create lasting memories and really strengthen the social bonds between people. It’s like, they become this important part of how we interact with each other on a human level.

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