Improve Reading Comprehension | Effective strategies for reading Comprehension

Reading is a part of our daily life. We read newspapers, books, flyers, magazines and so on. Understanding what we read is the essential motive behind reading anything. Reading Comprehension is also an important part of many English Proficiency tests like IELTS, Duolingo and TOEFL. That is why it is important for the students to know useful reading comprehension strategies to understand the text that they are given and answer the questions that follow them.

Here are some reading Comprehension strategies the students can Practise:

reading comprehension strategies, reading comprehension

Preview the Text

Improving your reading comprehension involves using effective strategies to understand and remember what you read. One way to start is by previewing the material before you read it. This means quickly looking at headings, images, and summaries to get an idea of what the text is about.

Use Prior Knowledge

Try to connect what you’re reading to things you already know. This can help you make sense of new information. Before you begin reading, think about why you’re reading it. Are you trying to find specific details, understand a new idea, or just enjoy the text? Knowing why you’re reading can help you stay focused.

Highlight and Remember Main Points

As you read, try to be active in how you engage with the material. You can underline important parts, write notes in the margins, or use sticky notes to mark pages. If the text is long, break it into smaller sections and summarize each part after you read it. This helps you remember the main points.

Ask yourself questions while you read. Wonder about things in the text and try to figure them out. This keeps your mind engaged. Also, create pictures in your mind of what you’re reading. This can make the information easier to remember.

After you finish reading a section, try to explain the main points in your own words. This helps reinforce your understanding. If you find words you don’t know, try to guess their meanings from the context before looking them up.

Practice Reading

You can also talk about what you’ve read with others. Joining a book club or discussing the material with friends can give you new insights. Find a quiet place to read without distractions. Practice staying focused on the text and bring your attention back if your mind starts to wander.

Remember, improving your reading comprehension takes time. Try using some of these strategies and keep practicing. Over time, you’ll become better at understanding and remembering what you read.

Get Free printable worksheets on reading comprehension here:Reading Comprehension Worksheets

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